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Ghidra Setup


Setting up Ghidra

  1. Download and install JDK 17
  2. Download and extract the Ghidra 10.2.2 zip
  3. Go inside the ghidra_10.2.2_PUBLIC folder and double click ghidraRun.bat

Connecting to the shared Smash Ultimate Research Server

  1. Click File -> New Project
  2. Select Shared Project
  3. Type in the Server Name field
  4. Set the port field to be 37500
  5. Check the Request Anonymous Access and hit OK
  6. Click OK on the Anonymous Server Login pop-up
  7. Select the SmushLoaderino repository and click Next >>
  8. Click Finish and wait
  9. Double click main_1301 (Ghidra 10.2.2) and the decompiled code will show up after loading