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Setting up the Skyline Development Environment


  • rustup (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
  • git (Windows/MacOS/Linux)
  • cargo-skyline


  1. Install git (Follow the on-screen installer)
  2. Install rustup (Follow the instructions on the page)
  3. After the installation is complete, open up the command prompt
  4. Run the following command: cargo install cargo-skyline and wait for it to install
  5. Next up, run cargo skyline set-ip <Switch IP>
  6. Once that's done, run this command: cargo skyline update-std and click Y (this installation process will take a while)
  7. When it's finally over, you have your development environment set up!

Creating and building a new skyline project

  1. Run cargo skyline new <project_name>
  2. Run cd <project_name>
  3. Run cargo skyline build --release
  4. Your built plugin file will be in ./<project_name>/target/aarch64-skyline-switch/release/lib<project_name>.nro
  5. Now that the main part is done, open up command prompt in a directory of your choice (I recommend making a new one for your projects) Opening up cmd in a folder (Thanks to TNN for the example)

Installing your skyline plugin automatically

  1. Make sure you have sys-ftpd-light set up (Prerequisites -> Modding Setup)
  2. Run cargo skyline run

Installing your skyline plugin manually

  1. Copy ./<project_name>/target/aarch64-skyline-switch/release/lib<project_name>.nro to sd:/atmosphere/contents/01006A800016E000/romfs/skyline/plugins (Make sure you have the skyline exefs set up!)